Whale Rock is the perfect location for your intimate wedding. Let’s face it, these days it’s almost impossible to find a bad Paso Robles wedding venue. Everywhere you look its gorgeous settings, grand views, miles of vineyards, picture-perfect barns, literally the most perfect coastlines. We have it all on the Central Coast! I’m not going to lie brides, it’s going to be a difficult choice, but to help you narrow down your search here is an intimate look at an elopement from Whale Rock at Castoro Cellars. A beautiful venue centrally located in Paso Robles wine country, right off West HWY 46.
Whale Rock has all the right qualities of any Paso Robles wedding venue. A breathable outdoor space that can accommodate any style of wedding. At the entrance, you are welcomed by a large gate and a long dirt road. The road goes on for about half a mile, taking you through some of the vineyard and a private residence. The alter, or stage, is a wood platform surrounding a beautiful old oak tree. One of the most impressive oak trees I’ve seen in the area. Surrounding the oak tree, are rows and rows of vines. It’s a magical spot that gave us bright golden light the entire afternoon and on into the evening.
While you are in the area, be sure to stop by Castoro Cellars for a wine tasting experience and then pop in next door at Bethel Road Distillery for a taste of handcrafted spirits.
If you are looking for an Elopement Price Guide, get in touch! teresalojaconophotography@gmail.com
MUA: @ima_jillianaire // Dress: @adriannapapell // Shoes: @keds // Groom: @rajawongseclothier // Florist: @theboqsco // Catering: @jeffryswinecountrybbq & @louloucheesetrailer // Venue: @castorcellars // Jewelry: @siegelsjewelry // Music: @fruitionpdx & @bearmarketriot

A California based photographer keeping it real and capturing all the perfect moments. Hey! My name is Teresa. Between my large Sicilian family, crazy friends and animated boyfriend, I have a tremendous amount of nicknames. SO we will go with Teresa for now but feel free to get creative once we get to know each-other. I was born and raised on the Central Coast in the small town of Templeton, lived in LA during my early 20’s and then spent about 6 years in New York. I’m now back in CA and loving every moment. All I can say is sunshine and tacos, but I do miss bagels and pizza. I love to travel, be outside, cycle and discover new places, eat ice cream and enjoy a cheeseburger, french fries and an ice cold beer tremendously. I’m pretty damn normal, easy to be around and love to laugh around new company. If you are ready, I am ready. Let’s dive in! www.teresalojacono.com