Take a look at this elegant Japanese wedding at the Maravilla Gardens. The traditional Japanese ceremony is a Shinto ceremony, though many Japanese in America celebrate weddings with a Buddhist ceremony. The most popular tradition during a Shinto-style wedding is the exchange of nuptial cups, which is called san san ku do. So san san ku do means three, three, and nine. The groom and bride drink sake three times each, from three different-sized sake cups called sakazuki. In their exchanging cups, they are symbolically exchanging their marriage vows. This ritual dates back to a time when sharing sake created a formal bond as strongly as a handshake did in Victorian times.
Next, their parents also take sips, sealing the bond between the two families. Each person takes three sips of sake from each of three cups. The first three sips represent the three couples; the second three sips represent the flaws of hatred, passion, and ignorance; and the last three sips represent freedom from the three flaws. For more information on Japanese wedding traditions, Manhattan Bride and The Knot, are both great resources for more information.
OUr location today is the Maravilla Gardens, which located in Camarillo, California. The venue has many star qualities and would work fall kinds of weddings. It’s large enough for big parties and quaint enough for an intimate gathering. The grounds have an infinite number of places for portraits; a barn, pathways through several gardens, flowers everywhere, a tree swing, and a huge field next door which made for some incredible bride/groom portraits. Photographers and couples, you are going to love this location.

A California based photographer keeping it real and capturing all the perfect moments. Hey! My name is Teresa. Between my large Sicilian family, crazy friends and animated boyfriend, I have a tremendous amount of nicknames. SO we will go with Teresa for now but feel free to get creative once we get to know each-other. I was born and raised on the Central Coast in the small town of Templeton, lived in LA during my early 20’s and then spent about 6 years in New York. I’m now back in CA and loving every moment. All I can say is sunshine and tacos, but I do miss bagels and pizza. I love to travel, be outside, cycle and discover new places, eat ice cream and enjoy a cheeseburger, french fries and an ice cold beer tremendously. I’m pretty damn normal, easy to be around and love to laugh around new company. If you are ready, I am ready. Let’s dive in! www.teresalojacono.com