Euphoria on Sunset Cliffs
This couple’s session was set up like a blind date. The couple was a referral but I had no reference point, and thus had no idea what to expect. It was scary and refreshing. Naomi and Laurence exceeded expectations and it was refreshing to work with a couple who was willing to let me thrive under my artistic brain with the freedom of my cameras. U
Ultimately, we created incredible images together, and it was an intensely vibrant, awkwardly sweet day. The setting did help of course. The sky was nuts! I haven’t seen the sunset like that in a while. It was perfect.
I also shot with my #FujiFIlmGA645 but those are being developed. Stay tuned for the film edition coming your way soon!
If you are curious about a couples session get in touch HERE. Talk soon, folks!

A California based photographer keeping it real and capturing all the perfect moments. Hey! My name is Teresa. Between my large Sicilian family, crazy friends and animated boyfriend, I have a tremendous amount of nicknames. SO we will go with Teresa for now but feel free to get creative once we get to know each-other. I was born and raised on the Central Coast in the small town of Templeton, lived in LA during my early 20’s and then spent about 6 years in New York. I’m now back in CA and loving every moment. All I can say is sunshine and tacos, but I do miss bagels and pizza. I love to travel, be outside, cycle and discover new places, eat ice cream and enjoy a cheeseburger, french fries and an ice cold beer tremendously. I’m pretty damn normal, easy to be around and love to laugh around new company. If you are ready, I am ready. Let’s dive in!